
Really great to see an old friend today, it’s been too long since we last caught up. It’s Simon Wilkinson, who is now the CEO at Bryon. Before that he was doing great work consulting on quite a few brands, and Casual Dining Group before that... and I guess most famously with the La Tasca turnaround and successful sale. We could’ve talked for an awful long time, there's so much great stuff on what it means to be a leader, what it means to be a CEO, what it means to turn around a business, how you should hire and what you should do to stop the flow of cash out of a business. He’s had to do that multiple times so I really would see him as one of the leading turnaround guys in the industry. Now he’s doing another great job and I'm really excited to see what him and the team are going to do at Byron. He’s made as far as we can see all the right surgical moves for something that can be super successful. I really hope you enjoy the episode, he’s fabulous to talk to and is so knowledgeable. It’s a no holds barred, no punches pulled, really honest account of his career, the market and also where he's at right now. 


Visit: https://www.byron.co/ 


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-wilkinson-9b077111/

Really great to see an old friend today, it's been too long since we last caught up. It's Simon Wilkinson, who is now the CEO at Bryon. Before that he was doing great work consulting on quite a few brands, and Casual Dining Group before that...